Collection: Eddie Sung

At 44, Eddie Sung re-invented himself, from a clean-cut corporate head-honcho (in the First Half of his life) to a bearded rock photographer (in his Second Half). He simply wanted to explore the Outer Frontiers of his artistic Inner Calling. His bold decision to take the off-ramp saw swift results - he swept the first, second & third prizes of the 2006 Lucie Awards for Non-Pro Music category. His rock images now grace the walls of Hard Rock Cafes, rock musicians’ CDs, DVDs & websites, as well as covers/ pages of leading newspapers and photographic magazines.

He has published a trilogy of well-received art/photography books – Eclectic Sanctum, Monochrome Manifestos & Sonic Solitude. You can check out more of his rock images at

He lives, happily ever after, in sunny Singapore with his wife and two children. In his spare time, he remembers to run his fine-art gallery “Monochrome & His Coloured Cousins”.

Eddie Sung